Testing of Digital Microcircuits and Programming of Bench Equipment "Formula 2k" for Measuring Parameters
AltiumDesigner, Formula 2k, Sinop, adapter plate, testing of microcircuits, contacting device, Altium DesignerAbstract
One of the ways of digital microcircuit testing is studied, namely: testing by means of the “Formula 2k” bench equipment. Testing allows for improving the quality of the output due to the rejection of low-quality elements, that is why, the consumer is interested in testing. The testing of microcircuits solves the following task: preparation of design documentation, development of software for equipment testing and its debugging. The source material for it is the microcircuit technical documentation. The most important parameters are chosen according to the documentation. These parameters allow to estimate the quality of the microcircuit during its testing. A printed circuit board is created based on these parameters. During the preparation for testing, the software is used to create a transition board. The design documentation for the board is developed on the basis of the Altium Designer software package. A special contact device is used to connect the microcircuit to the adapter board. It is also created in the Altium Designer according to its device schematics. The contacting device connects the microcircuit pins with the pads on the adapter board. Parameter tolerances required for the measurement are determined according to the specifications and datasheet for the tested microcircuit. The software is developed in the programming language “Sinop” using this datasheet. The tester is configured to carry out the measurements. The output data of the measured parameters is generated after completion of debugging and measurements. If all of the measured parameters are consistent to the declared ones, microcircuit is considered to pass control, otherwise it is rejected.References
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How to Cite
Kopysov А. Н., Khatbullin Р. А., Khvorenkov В. В., Ermakov Ф. М., & Zyryanov К. А. (2017). Testing of Digital Microcircuits and Programming of Bench Equipment "Formula 2k" for Measuring Parameters. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(4), 29–34. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2017-4-29-34