From Productivity to Uncopy of Complex Technical Systems
complex technical system, efficiency criterion, productivity, quality control, lean manufacturing, “uncopy” (something that cannot be copied)Abstract
The paper considers the main stages of the life-cycle of complex technical system. The basic stages of “life cycle” of complex technical system are provided. The efficiency criterion complex is offered from positions of system concept, productivity, quality and cost ‘work’ at the certain stages of technical system “life cycle”. It is shown that the transition from one stage to another forms “critical points” in which new properties of system might become apparent, allowing to approach reasonably improvement of both the system and manufactured products. The approach proposed by the authors allows offering mechanism of efficient management of complex technical systems at all stages of its life cycle from the standpoint of system analysis. It is shown that the actual problem is the extension of the normative duration of the life-cycle of complex technical systems in conditions of high competition in industries. On the basis of the analysis, a conclusion is made about necessity of creation of complex technical systems, a copy of which and their manufactured products becomes impossible. For this purpose, in addition to well-known criterion like productivity, quality and costs, a new criterion of effectiveness - “uncopy” (something that cannot be copied) was stated to allow for prolonging the “life cycle” of complex technical systems provided that there is demand of output goods on the required scale. The proposed approach “Evolution of criteria of efficiency of complex technical systems for productivity to uncopy” allows for proposing the mechanisms of effective controlling the technical system at all stages of its life-cycle from the point of view of the system analysis.References
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