Automation of Removal of the Emergency Reset to Waste Waters of Industrial Enterprise
emergency discharges, water pollution, sewage treatment system, elimination of emergency dischargesAbstract
The paper shows that emergency discharges into sewage represent a particular danger for the environment. An analysis of water quality monitoring systems has shown that an undetectable discharge of pollutants can lead to adverse consequences and damage to the filtration system and the neutralization of industrial waste water. An automated installation for monitoring changes in the optical density of aqueous media is considered. The plant is designed to eliminate emergency discharges into industrial waste water. A laboratory stand for the investigation of methods for registering emergency discharges in sewage waters of industrial enterprises is described. The laboratory stand contains an optical - electronic complex for controlling the optical density of aqueous media, devices for analog - digital conversion of signals from optical sensors, a personal computer and a hydraulic system from reservoirs, valves and Venturi pipes. An algorithm for the automatic elimination of an emergency fault is proposed in waste systems, consisting of the initialization process, the process of recognizing the waveform from the optical sensor and deciding on the type of failure. The estimation of the stability of the laboratory stand was determined and the error in the results obtained and the calibration procedure for the stand were evaluated. The random error of the stand does not exceed 0.5%. The paper also deals with the calibration of the stand. Examples of calibration using pre-prepared solutions of impurities with water are given.References
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