Visualizing Data about the State of Safety of Objects and Territories
integrated system, system, program, device, sensor, object, monitoring, report, emergencyAbstract
A visual representation of the spatial characteristics of objects is a separate direction of visualization. The use of three- and four-dimensional images allows you to visually show the quantitative and relational characteristics of spatially-oriented data and quickly identify trends in them. The paper shows the features of data visualization in the integrated security system of potentially dangerous, critical objects (VET and CWE) and territories, which is a complex software and hardware complex that allows you to quickly evaluate incoming information, promptly process it, take necessary measures to prevent and respond to occurrence of threats of emergency situations of natural, technogenic and terrorist nature. When describing the visualization subsystem of the VET production monitoring system, it is emphasized that the feature of displaying data on physical security of objects in the geoinformation security system being presented is a seamless virtual, four-dimensional world, with the ability to integrate, manage and analyze spatial temporal data from various systems. The domain architecture (cluster) structure is based on the GIS object security architecture. Each cluster of the lower hierarchical level is associated with one of the higher-level domains, and an integrated security assessment of the cluster of the previous hierarchical level is implemented. The information on the monitored objects arrives at the appropriate levels of decision making, is automatically distributed in accordance with the authorities and responsibilities of users and the established hierarchy of management. Details of the existing functions of the display subsystem, the procedure for generating reports, visualizing the status of the monitoring system on remote servers and displaying the quality of communication with the object of control in the form of special pictograms, the function of incident cards, etc. The description of the operation of the display subsystem integrating space-time data is provided with figures and tables that clearly illustrate its various functions. With a view of timely elimination of the arisen malfunctions of the elements of security systems, the authors proposed an automated system for monitoring the maintenance of technical means of safety of the physical protection systems of the facilities.References
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