Investigation of Possibility of Applying Gas Turbine Installations for Utilization of Associated Petroleum Gas with High Nitrogen Content at Oil Fields of Udmurt Republic
associated petroleum gas, gas-turbine installation, utilization, cogeneration, net calorific value, efficiencyAbstract
The paper is devoted to research of a possibility of application of gas-turbine installations (GTI) for utilization of the associated petroleum gas (APG) with the high content of nitrogen (N2) as the main fuel. The component composition of the petroleum gas is a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons, including methane, ethane, propane, butane, isobutene and other hydrocarbons, the percentage of which varies from the oil field, depending on the geological features. The exploited oilfield of the Udmurt Republic are characterized by the extraction of heavy, difficult extracted oil with the associated petroleum gas containing a significant amount of nitrogen and therefore having a low calorific value, which significantly complicates its utilization methods. Usually such a gas is dumped in the atmosphere at once or is futilely burned in flare plants: in both cases, this negatively affects the state of the environment. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (RF) of November 8, 2012 No. 1148 establishes the target index flaring of the associated petroleum gas on the flare: no more than 5% of the total amount of gas produced. At excess of this maximum permissible limit, increasing coefficients are applied that affect the amount of payment of fines. These measures should stimulate oil companies to development of projects for the effective use of associated petroleum gas. There are several rational methods for utilization of APG: for example, its use as raw materials for the petrochemical industry or fuel for various installations that generate electricity and heat. There are several rational methods for utilization of APG: for example, its use as raw materials for the petrochemical industry or fuel for various installations that generate electricity and warmth. In this paper the possibility is investigated for utilizing the associated petroleum gas with a high nitrogen content by burning it in gas turbine plants for generating electricity.References
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