Application of Regression Analysis for Determining the Permeability in Terrigenous Rocks of the Bashkir Arch and Solikamsk Depression


  • A. V. Sherbenev Perm National Research Polytechnic University



coefficient porosity, permeability, bulk density, mineral density, Bashkir arch, Solikamsk depression, regression analysis, correlation matrix


The permeable and impermeable rocks of the Bashkir arch and Solikamsk depression are considered in the paper. Bashkir arch is located in the southern part of Perm region. Solikamsk depression occupies the Eastern part of the Northern half of the region. Porosity, permeability, volumetric density and mineralogical density and the density of a saturated sample are considered. The material was obtained in the study of core material from wells on the considered tectonic elements. The statistical significant sample was compiled from the data. This sample is sufficient for statistical analysis. The correlation matrices were constructed. It shows the degree of correlation of the parameters among themselves and identify differences and similarities in the rocks of different tectonic elements. The coefficients of correlation of parameters were obtained that the rocks in different tectonic elements differ in the degree of coupling between volumetric mineral density and the density of the saturated sample. It indicates a difference of species in the density of rocks at different tectonic elements. The toughest rock is located in the territory of Solikamsk depression. The main parameter is selected to be permeability as the one of the most important in the development field. The regression analysis was made to identify the parameters that influence the determination of permeability. It shows the relationship between the dependent variable and one or more independent. As the result of this analysis a linear mathematical model is constructed and the degree of influence of each of the analyzed parameters on the formation of the permeability coefficient is revealed. The comparative analysis was made between the parameters that influence the determination of permeability in the permeable and impermeable rocks for various tectonic elements.

Author Biography

A. V. Sherbenev, Perm National Research Polytechnic University



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How to Cite

Sherbenev А. В. (2017). Application of Regression Analysis for Determining the Permeability in Terrigenous Rocks of the Bashkir Arch and Solikamsk Depression. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 15(4), 126–130.


