Problems of Computer Spectral Processing of Signals in Musical Acoustics


  • N. V. Ponomareva Kalashnikov ISTU



Discrete Fourier Transform, Parametric Discrete Fourier Transformation, Sliding Parametric Discrete Fourier Transformation, musical acoustic signal, frequency spectrum


The problems of computer spectral signal processing in musical acoustics are described. The stages of transformation for a musical acoustic signal are considered. The analysis of the problems of spectral signal processing in musical acoustics based on the discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and the sliding DFT is given. The efficiency and productivity of the Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform in problems of computer-aided spectral processing of signals in musical acoustics is considered. A generalization of the DFT in the form of parametric DFT (DFT-P) and sliding DFT-P is presented. System analysis of methods and algorithms of computer spectral processing of musical acoustic signals (MAS) is carried out to reveal their advantages and drawbacks; a working hypothesis of solving their problems is suggested. Main issues of solving the problems of computer spectral processing of signals in musical acoustics are stated. The results of experimental studies on getting of the fundamental tone of musical acoustic signals basing on DFT and their sliding spectra are presented. Real musical acoustic signals were used to demonstrate the increase in refinement of representation for the time spectral pattern of sounds of musical instruments in case of transition from the sliding DFT to the parametric DFT.

Author Biography

N. V. Ponomareva, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Ponomareva Н. В. (2018). Problems of Computer Spectral Processing of Signals in Musical Acoustics. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(1), 26–33.


