The Identification of Dependence of Weld Convexity Form on Parameters of Welding Conditions


  • P. Y. Petrov Yaroslavl branch of Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University



weld convexity, weld width, height of the convexity, area of deposited metal, angle of transition from bulge to base metal, capillary constant, railway transport


The problem of determining the mathematical dependence of the influence of process parameters on the resulting object form is considered in this publication. The determination of the regularity of the influence of welding conditions on the weld bulge form is presented. The method of determination of such dependence is described. The study used the previously established regression dependence of determining the size of the weld bulge on the parameters of the MIG regime. The weld bulge is described by the weld width (e) and the bulge height (g). The area of the deposited metal (Fн) was also calculated. For these variables, the hydrostatic equation was solved. As a result, the indices of the bulge shape were determined: the angle of transition from bulge to the base metal (φ) and capillary constant (aк). A numerical experiment with varying wire feed rate and arc voltage is carried out. The range of variation corresponds to the regulatory parameters of welding and repair of structures and parts of railway transport. Regression dependences of the transition angle from the bulge to the base metal (φ) and capillary constant (aк) on these parameters of the welding mode are established. The technique presented in the paper can be applied to technological processes with the formation of statically balanced volume of the liquid phase, for example, in 3D printing.

Author Biography

P. Y. Petrov, Yaroslavl branch of Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, leading engineer


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How to Cite

Petrov П. Ю. (2018). The Identification of Dependence of Weld Convexity Form on Parameters of Welding Conditions. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(1), 58–66.


