Express Method for Diagnosing the Corrosion Damages of the Car Body


  • M. A. Tarasova Kalashnikov ISTU



damage to the car body, RGB analysis, gray map, road traffic injuries


Theoretical backgrounds for the possibility of establishing a limitation of damages of the car body are the subject of numerous studies in the field of technical, trace, and auto-technical expertise. The paper proposed a rapid method for diagnosis of corrosion damage of the car to determine the simultaneity of their generation. The feature of the express method is the determination of the simultaneity of corrosion occurrence by means of blocks of the conversion of detector discontinuities and RGB analysis. Unlike the existing techniques and methods for determining the statute of limitations of injury, there is no need to match the contact surfaces, to conduct the trace study, and to establish the statute of limitations between the time of the accident and the examination appointment. The proposed technique allows you to establish the synchrony of damage to the body of the car quickly and directly at the scene of an accident.

Author Biography

M. A. Tarasova, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Tarasova М. А. (2018). Express Method for Diagnosing the Corrosion Damages of the Car Body. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(1), 72–75.


