Research of Consolidation of Water-Saturated Silty-Clay Soils with Vertical Drainage


  • A. A. Kislyakov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. A. Kislyakov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • N. K. Simakov Kalashnikov ISTU



vertical drains, drainage, water-saturated silty-clay soils, consolidation of soils


The paper presents the research of consolidation of water-saturated silty-clay soils with vertical drainage. The researchers were tasked to evaluate the efficiency of prefabricated drains in water-saturated silty-clay soils and determine the optimal distance between drains. The method of carrying out the field experiment was based on the provision on the need for the maximum possible conservation of the natural structure of the soil with the installation of research equipment. A non-contact method is taken for determining stratified deformations of soil using deep ring marks and methods for determining the stresses by pressure cells and pore pressure sensors that were installed in wells drilled in balks. The equipment of control and measuring equipment on polygons with different drainage steps, and then carrying out observations on them in combination with observations at a control site without drains, makes it possible to evaluate the efficiency of tape drains in these soils and determine the optimal distance between drains.

Author Biographies

A. A. Kislyakov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Аssociate Professor

M. A. Kislyakov, Kalashnikov ISTU


N. K. Simakov, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Kislyakov А. А., Kislyakov М. А., & Simakov Н. К. (2018). Research of Consolidation of Water-Saturated Silty-Clay Soils with Vertical Drainage. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(1), 76–82.


