The Role of Superand Hyper Plasticizing Agents in Forming of Hight-Perfomance Concretes


  • N. I. Strelkov Kalashnikov ISTU



superplasticizer agent, hyperplasticizer agent, rheology, sand compression concrete, technological properties, fine-aggregate concretes


In the present paper the efficiency of super- and hyperplasticizing agents in mixtures of sand compression concretes (sand concretes) was considered. The role of super- and hyper plasticizing agents due to organization of concrete durability was estimated on the base of complex comparison study. The demand of sand concrete consistency and list quantity of super- and hyper plasticizing agent were considered accumulatively as basic properties of sand compression concretes. Furthermore, the highest durability of concrete samples was taken into account, due to hardening of sand compression concretes in humid air conditions. Since the durability of sand compression concretes essentially depends on the mode, genesis, physical and mechanical properties of aggregate for concrete, it was reasonable to investigate the influence of Abram’s fineness modulus to sand concrete consistency, durability and homogeneity of sand compression concrete mixture, containing super- and hyper plasticizing agents. On the base of experimental researches it was established, that polycarboxylate hyper plasticizing agent - Melflux 1641F extremely decreases the quantity of cement-water ratio and keeps the required sand concrete consistency (P3 - 10-15 cm). Moreover, the mixture of sand compression concrete possessed the best homogeneity in a comparison with mixtures, containing «Relamix» and « МС-PowerFlow 2290» plasticizing agents. The durability increase of sand compression concrete was achieved when sand with Abram’s fineness modulus Mf = 1,25 was used. Concrete mixtures on its basis possessed homogeneity and did not segregate.

Author Biography

N. I. Strelkov, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Strelkov Н. И. (2018). The Role of Superand Hyper Plasticizing Agents in Forming of Hight-Perfomance Concretes. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(1), 83–91.


