Influence of Surface Roughness on Cyclic Strength and Durability of Stamping Steel with Room and Increased Temperatures


  • V. I. Dobrovolsky Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia
  • S. V. Dobrovolsky Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia



forging stamps, roughness of engraving, evaluation of the surface factor at room and elevated temperatures


The quality of the surface layer is one of the main factors, together with the stress concentration and the scale effect, which determine the cyclic strength and durability of the structural elements. A significant influence on endurance is exerted by residual stresses that arise in the surface layers during machining. Unreasonable designation of processing modes leads to the appearance of large residual tensile stresses, surface microcracks, a significant decrease in cyclic strength. The roughness of the surfaces of structural elements and standard samples used to determine the characteristics of the cyclic strength of materials, as a rule, differ from each other. The most reasonable parameter characterizing the state of the surfaces of a standard (reference) sample and a structural element is the height of microroughness, which is a sort of stress microconcentrator. High-strength steel of limited ductility is the most sensitive to surface roughness. The overwhelming majority of the studies carried out is devoted to the study of the influence of the surface roughness of samples or details on the limits of unlimited durability. The desire to improve the technical and economic performance due to the intensification of technological and operational parameters (pressures, temperatures, aggressiveness of the media) of a number of critical structures (forging dies, gun barrels and artillery weapons, power equipment) leads to their limited service life. At the same time, studies of the surface factor with limited longevity of structural elements are not enough. In this connection, we study the influence of surface roughness on the cyclic strength, limited durability, and the surface factor of 4Х5МФС steel under conditions of room temperature and high temperature (450 оС).

Author Biographies

V. I. Dobrovolsky, Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia

DSc in Engineering, Professor

S. V. Dobrovolsky, Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Dobrovolsky В. И., & Dobrovolsky С. В. (2018). Influence of Surface Roughness on Cyclic Strength and Durability of Stamping Steel with Room and Increased Temperatures. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(2), 24–27.


