Study of the Influence of the Initial Clearance on the Dynamics of the Safety Valve Opening


  • T. Raeder Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia
  • V. A. Tenenev Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia
  • N. V. Paklina Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia



safety valve, nonstationary gas-dynamic processes, numerical simulation techniques, adjoint problem of gas dynamics and mechanics of valve


The task of safety valve calculation is to determine the throughput and the dynamic forces arising at actuation of the safety valve. To solve the adjoint problem of calculating the safety valve operation dynamics, the equations of gas dynamics and the equations of mechanical motion of the valve disc are applied. The numerical method of S. K. Godunov in axisymmetric setting used to solve the adjoint problem of the spring safety valve dynamics has proved the ability to correctly calculate the magnitude of gas dynamic force. Based on the results of safety valve tests and numerical calculations, a function has been constructed that is a universal characteristic of the safety valve in question. The function is used to analyze the dynamic characteristics of the operation process at different pressures. On basis of theoretical analysis some relations have been obtained allowing to determine kinematic characteristics at any disk lift value and to set the initial conditions for adjoint problem solution. The numerical solution of the adjoint problem of safety valve dynamics confirms the possibility of setting the required initial clearance without loss of calculation accuracy.

Author Biographies

T. Raeder, Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia

PhD Applicant

V. A. Tenenev, Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia

DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

N. V. Paklina, Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk, Russia


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How to Cite

Raeder Т., Tenenev В. А., & Paklina Н. В. (2018). Study of the Influence of the Initial Clearance on the Dynamics of the Safety Valve Opening. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(2), 28–40.


