Integration Links of the Release of Navigation Insoles as a Manifestation of the Effect of Synergy
Navigation insole, GPS beacon, potential synergies, effectiveness evaluation, integral evaluation, synergy effect of integrationAbstract
The paper poses the problem of the need to introduce integration links into the production of navigation insoles, which is a serious step to alleviate the lives of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease or to help parents to know about the movements of the child. The significant role of this development is due to its practical application, which allows tracking the location of a person using a GPS beacon and relaying information about the history of movement to the smartphone application. Positive aspects of using the synergistic effect in the process of product creation are considered. Functional and strategic capabilities make it possible to achieve the maximum synergistic effect. The effect of integration seems to be the synergy effects of combining the functional components of the insole. There are various classifications of factors that determine the magnitude of the effect from synergy. As criteria for selecting effective implementation in the development and production of navigation insoles on the basis of an estimate of the magnitude of the synergy effect, quantitative (the magnitude of the synergy effect from potential output) and qualitative criteria (the variety of forms of the synergy effect) are determined. Thus, integrated interaction can provide a high synergetic effect, the magnitude of which from joint activity is greater than the sum of the effects of individual performance characteristics.References
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