Model of Determination of Defect Difference in Q-Factor of a Solid-State Wave Gyroscope
Solid-state wave gyroscope, quartz resonator, mathematical model, vibration, drift, Q-factor, difference in Q-factor, control systemAbstract
The sensor element, its geometric features and errors affecting the tactical and technical characteristics of the product are considered. An analysis has been carried out which showed that the main contribution to the angle’s own departure is made by such errors as: elastic-mass defects of the quartz resonator, inaccuracy in the assembly of the structure, errors in the survey and control system, and geometric errors in the resonator. The influence of such errors as different frequency and difference in Q-factor on the final characteristics of the navigation device is estimated. The solid-state wave gyroscope is a complex measuring system; it includes a control component that reduces the influence of some non-ideals of the device. The actual task is to improve the control component and improve the accuracy of the entire measuring system. A promising direction is the use of adaptive automatic control systems, since there is a need to individually adjust to each sensing element: adjust the resonant frequency of the sensing element, perform the capture of the natural oscillation frequency, generate mismatch signals of the amplitude of the oscillations. When changing the mass-size parameters of the resonator, which play an important role in the measuring path of the device, it is necessary to change the parameters of the control system, which increases the time and labor costs. To improve the efficiency of the automatic control system, reduce the time to bring the device to the required level of quality, it is necessary to develop a mathematical model of the control system. We consider an ideal axisymmetric body rigidly clamped by the resonator leg. In this paper, we consider a model of the contour of automatic suppression of difference in Q-factor for the push-pull control system of a solid-state wave gyroscope. The assumption is made about the possibility of applying the results of simulation modeling for the further implementation of the contour of suppression difference in Q-factor in the composition of the navigation block.References
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