Alternative Solar Energy: Pressing Problems and Proposed Ways to Solve Them
alternative energy, solar energy, solar panel, battery, microcontroller, block, smart electric networksAbstract
The paper describes that the power generating sector of the economy causes significant damage to the environment through the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. At least 89% of emissions related to energy production can be prevented by replacing traditional energy sources with alternative ones, including wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, space energy, bioenergy. The analysis showed that the solar energy industry is technically well developed and widely used not only abroad, but also in our country. The government takes all possible decisions to ensure the development of alternative energy. The problems of solar energy are considered in the paper: increasing the energy efficiency of solar cells, which directly depends on the power of the panels themselves, as well as on weather conditions (sunlight intensity, temperature) and more efficient use of existing alternative energy assets. The problem of energy redistribution between different kinds of sources can be solved by applying new services in the energy sector, based on the technology of the distributed registry - Blockchain technology. The use of Blockchain technology allows to monitor the flow of energy, to protect the system of control and accounting for the movement of energy from outside interference, to exclude the possibility of manipulating the data of individual participants in energy consumption and energy production in their favor. The authors suggest ways to solve the above problems of solar energy.References
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