Numerical Analysis of Influence of Mechanical Processing Conditions on Stress-Deformed State of Large-Size Thin-Wall Complex Parts


  • S. D. Kugultinov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. V. Shchenyatskii Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. S. Zhilyaev JSC «Izhevsk electromechanical plant «Kupol»; Kalashnikov ISTU



simulation modeling, stress-strain state, thin-walled part, finite element method


Many enterprises of instrumentation, machine-building, aerospace industries face difficulties in machining large-sized thin-walled components of complex shape made of aluminum alloys, which are responsible for operability of the entire product. The group of details under consideration is restricted by requirements of the accuracy and quality of manufacture, including supporting elements of construction aircraft, hulls, waveguides, radiators. Often, the shape tolerance on surfaces of these parts does not exceed 0.01 mm with a surface area of 1 ... 2 m2. To ensure the production of quality products without increasing production cycle and costs of technology development it is necessary to use numerical engineering analysis to model complex technological processes. The paper contains substantiation relevance study of interrelation between machining regimes, fixing scheme and cutting force with technological residual stresses and deformations of part. Results are presented for the stress-strain state analysis which is formed in the milling process due to the action of the cutting force and temperature. The results are obtained by finite element method (FEM). Based on calculations by FEM method, it is shown how force and temperature cutting affect formation of compressive residual stresses, which lead to warping of surfaces parts. The simulation model of mechanical action of the end mill on the workpiece is developed. The results obtained in the future are planned to be used to form control actions on the parameters of the technological process in order to improve the quality of processing and minimize the cycle of production of parts.

Author Biographies

S. D. Kugultinov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

A. V. Shchenyatskii, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

A. S. Zhilyaev, JSC «Izhevsk electromechanical plant «Kupol»; Kalashnikov ISTU

Deputy head technologist


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How to Cite

Kugultinov С. Д., Shchenyatskii А. В., & Zhilyaev А. С. (2018). Numerical Analysis of Influence of Mechanical Processing Conditions on Stress-Deformed State of Large-Size Thin-Wall Complex Parts. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(3), 17–21.


