The Use of a Bipolar Electrochemical Polarization for the Development of Measuring and Process Equipment


  • V. A. Rudenok Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy



bipolar electrochemical polarization, electrochemical oxidation, blood detoxification, end-to-end porosity, microgalvanic elements, corrosion fundamentals in the pores of the coating


Electrochemical bipolar polarization of a solid-state electrode is realized in the case of a special electrode switching circuit, when an electrode without an external electrical contact is placed in the electrochemical cell between two electrodes connected to an electric current source. When the current flows between the first pair of electrodes, the power lines of the current interact with the third electrode, causing it to "induced" polarization. This phenomenon is used here for the development of measurement technology. It is most effective for the development of a polarograph scheme with a solid-state electrode. The polarograph scheme proposed in the paper includes two electrochemical cells: polarographic and electrochemical. In the first one, a wire platinum electrode is mounted which is bipolar polarized. It is equipped with a movable contact to measure the current value of the potential. The second cell involves the working electrode and the reference electrode. The potential measured on the wire electrode is fed to the potentiostat input. At the output of the potentiostat, a current signal is synchronously generated. The current from the potentiostat output is passed through the working electrode so that the value of the working electrode potential coincides with the potential of the wire electrode at the point of contact with its movable contact. A device for quantitative measurement of through porosity of galvanic cathode coatings is also proposed. The calibration dependence links the results of the contact measurements of porosity and current corrosion flowing in microgalvanic vapor in the pores of the coating. The potential of the corroding in stationary conditions of the test sample is fed to the potentiostat input, the current at its output corresponds to the corrosion current density of the part. Next, we consider a device for detoxification of the body and treatment by electrochemical synthesis of sodium hypochlorite and elemental hydrogen in the blood stream directly in the blood vessel of the components that make up the blood, on the surface of the wire electrode introduced into the blood vessel, and polarized by a pair of overhead electrodes.

Author Biography

V. A. Rudenok, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Rudenok В. А. (2018). The Use of a Bipolar Electrochemical Polarization for the Development of Measuring and Process Equipment. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(3), 52–57.


