Optimum Control of Wind Power Installation


  • V. I. Buyalsky Sevastopol state university
  • N. M. Shaytor Sevastopol state university
  • B. A. Yakimovich Sevastopol state university




wind generator, time estimation, transient process, angular speed, modeling


The problem is solved on working out of a principle of effective automated control of the wind electric installation, aimed at the increase in stability of rotation frequency of a rotor wind wheel and reduction of dynamic loading of basic elements. It promotes improvement of indicators of reliability of electro supply of the basic control in the conditions of the incomplete information on characteristics of the meteorological and electro power conditions essentially changing in time. The paper proposes the control method of the process of electric power production by formation of the angular speed of a wind wheel rotor and the angle of position of the blade on the basis of anticipation of changes of the wind speed and the size of the consumed electric power, at small time intervals (the average quadratic error of an expectation mean of meteorological parameter does not exceed 4 %). Definition of the time interval during which the averaging of the measured values is carried out, is made by means of the account of chronology of character of change of an environment to minimize the time of the control of target operated parameters that gives the chance to raise stability of frequency rotation of a rotor wind turbine at the expense of reduction of duration of the transient process on the average twice. The paper considers the principle of formation of the combined control at the expense of the coordinated interaction from the basic and offered methods of acceptance of operating decisions, on the basis of differentiation of the access time to the device of changing the position of blades which is realized on each step according to the algorithm of development of operating influences depending on the character of changing the external revolting influences. The initial data for the algorithm operation are the design values of the angular speed of a rotor wind wheel at a predicted interval of time, the size of a deviation of the design value of the angular speed from nominal and the deviation sign. If the angular speed changes to the largest, and its deviation exceeds the admissible value, then the operating decisions are accepted from the proposed control method, otherwise decisions on development of operating influences are taken from the basic control of the process of maintenance of the rating value of speed of rotation of the wind wheel.

Author Biographies

V. I. Buyalsky, Sevastopol state university


N. M. Shaytor, Sevastopol state university

PhD in Engineering, Associate professor

B. A. Yakimovich, Sevastopol state university

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Buyalsky В. И., Shaytor Н. М., & Yakimovich Б. А. (2018). Optimum Control of Wind Power Installation. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(3), 70–77. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2018-3-70-77


