Statement of the problem of intellectualization of computer-aided system of arbitration manager work based on results of his functionality analysis


  • O. V. Malina Kalashnikov ISTU
  • I. I. Shaekhov Kalashnikov ISTU



arbitration manager, automation, intellectualization


The development of a system for automating the arbitration manager work is an actual theoretical & practical object due to the complexity multifactority & importance tasks, to be performed by this specialist. The feature of arbitration manager assistant work is described firstly, a lot of functions, secondly, a lot of regulations, which are stringently controlled by law, thirdly high requirements to the level of professionalism in economy & law area. The systems, analysis of which is given in the paper, makes it possible to automate conventional (routine) work, like organizing a standard list of necessary steps with recommendations & proposes, documents formation required at working of any insolvency procedures, etc. This set of opportunities allows you to facilitate the arbitration manager work, but the procedures for real planning & working control are carried out in a “manual” mode. The task of intellectualization of this system appeared by with the need to automate the intellectual activity of the arbitration manager, as a result this automated system would monitor the current state of work and plan further activities taking into account the current state. Ideally, this means that the system should work in real time, and at any time propose the work to the user that requires implementation, with informative accompanying to the maximum possible extent. The system should also monitor the feasibility of work, for example, compliance with time constraints, "overlays", the absence or untimely receipt of necessary external data, etc. Thus, the user function will actually change in relation to the activity process: from the person designing the process, he will turn into the person making the decision. To solve this problem, we should organize three interrelated models: the model of the arbitration manager work (to determine the elements (modules) of this activity); model of the process of arbitration management (rules for structuring a process based on the existing model of activity and external constraints); model of a system that automates the process aforesaid. The proposed approach requires changing the interaction of the system and the user: the system interface desists to be "universal", it becomes "relevant".

Author Biographies

O. V. Malina, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc In Engineering, Professor

I. I. Shaekhov, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Malina О. В., & Shaekhov И. И. (2018). Statement of the problem of intellectualization of computer-aided system of arbitration manager work based on results of his functionality analysis. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(3), 115–121.


