Increasing the Efficiency of Energy Supply by Using Heat Pumps at Energy Facilities


  • A. A. Kislyakov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • N. K. Simakov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. A. Kislyakov Kalashnikov ISTU



thermal power station, absorption bromide-lithium heat pump, efficiency of power supply, electric power, steam compression heat pump, thermal scheme, technological cycle


The research resulted in the work is aimed at the development of new technical solutions for the use of absorption heat pumps in the existing technological cycles of power plants, using the example of condensing power units of 300 MW thermal power plants that increase their thermal efficiency. The study of the problem of heat losses related to losses and ensuring the efficiency of the main power equipment at power stations promoted the development of research directions in this area, as evidenced by numerous theoretical and technical solutions for optimizing the thermal schemes of power plants. The urgency of the work may lie in developing the results of scientifically sound technical development of solutions aimed at the increase in the thermal dimension of the economical operation of the results of thermal power plants, through the application of the scheme of absorption thermal local pumps. In this paper, a theoretical justification is given for the use of heat pumps in steam turbine installations. The expediency of using a steam compression heat pump in the schemes of thermal power plants is investigated. New circuit solutions for the use of a heat pump in the technological cycles of thermal power plants are proposed. The general electrical result of the increase in the research work of cooling are the scientifically temperature-based technical order solutions that contribute to the temperature increase in the thermal range of economic efficiency of thermal power plants, through the use of absorption enhancement of mathematical heat pumps in the regenerative general cycle of the steam turbine heating system, low pressure stage of the steam turbine, and the technical system of water supply of power units. New transitional circuit solutions of indicators for technological cycles have been developed. The growth of power plants, which are different from the known ones developed by the application of the condensation variable circuit of the absorption bromide-lithium heat pump in the regeneration system of the variable steam-turbine unit, the description of thermal power plants.

Author Biographies

A. A. Kislyakov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

N. K. Simakov, Kalashnikov ISTU


M. A. Kislyakov, Kalashnikov ISTU



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Там же.



How to Cite

Kislyakov А. А., Simakov Н. К., & Kislyakov М. А. (2019). Increasing the Efficiency of Energy Supply by Using Heat Pumps at Energy Facilities. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(4), 24–31.


