Development of a Debugging Stand for Studying Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Asynchronous Electric Motors
device, electric motor, sensor, encoder, microcontrollerAbstract
A rifle-gun armament is developed in the direction of increasing the battle efficiency, raising the performance characteristics and quality indexes of weapon specimens. It is achieved by implementation in constructions of new physical principles of action, new technical and technological decisions, that requires an increase in quality and efficiency of the weapon design process. In these terms the traditional design methods that depend in a great deal on the experience and talent of a designer are ineffective. In the paper the methodology of the system design is examined as applied to planning of small-arms. The stages of development of requirement specification and technical proposal are considered, being basic at forming of the appearance of the weapon specimen. A sequence of stages of developing the technical proposal is given as applied to small-arms. The tree of basic contradictions is analysed. The drafting pattern is presented on the basis of the tree of functions and the morphological tree of functionally-morphological matrix of small-arms that determines the structure of the weapon system and the function of its subsystems.References
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