Formation of the Acoustic Field of a Through-Type Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer in Threaded Parts


  • O. V. Murav’eva Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. Y. Sokov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • Y. V. Myshkin Kalashnikov ISTU



threaded parts, electromagnetic acoustic transducer, acoustic field, magnetic field, eddy current density, Ampere’s force


The paper proposes a model for the formation of an acoustic field in threaded parts under excitation using an electromagnetic-acoustic transducer in the case of the location of the inductor windings on the thread crest. The distribution of Ampere’s forces is obtained based on the numerical modeling results of the distribution of eddy current density and the bias field on the threaded surface. An approach is proposed for calculating the acoustic fields of longitudinal and transverse waves excited by arbitrary directed Ampere’s forces using the acoustic point source theory based on the superposition principle of directivity patterns generated at each point of the threaded surface by the vertical and horizontal Ampere’s force components with corresponding coefficients proportional to the product of density current on the bias field at this point. The directivity patterns for the longitudinal and transverse waves were obtained both at individual points of the threaded surface and the entire thread crest as a whole. A numerical simulation of the acoustic wave propagation in threaded parts in the software COMSOL Multiphysics has been performed when excited by tangential forces applied to the tops of the thread crests. The comparison of acoustic fields of longitudinal and transverse waves is performed obtained by numerical and analytical methods.

Author Biographies

O. V. Murav’eva, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

M. Y. Sokov, Kalashnikov ISTU

Y. V. Myshkin, Kalashnikov ISTU


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Там же.

Muraveva O.V., Muravev V.V., Myshkin Yu.V. Laws of formation of grating lobes in the acoustic field of electromagnetic-acoustic transducers as a linear array of unidirectional conductors // NDT & E International. 2018. т. 93. с. 40-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2017.09.009.


Hill S., Dixon S. Frequency dependent directional of periodic permanent magnet electromagnetic acoustic transducers // NDT&E International. 2014. Vol. 62. Pp. 137-143. DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2013.12.009.

Augustyniak M., Usarek Z. Finite Element Method Applied in Electromagnetic NDTE: A Review // Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2016. Vol. 35. No. 3. P. 39. DOI: 10.1007/s10921-016-0356-6.

Wang S., Li Z., Li P., Liu X., Zhai G. Numerical and experimental evaluation of the receiving performance of meander-line coil EMATs // Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2014. Vol. 29. No. 4. P. 269-282.

Xie Y., Yin W., Liu Z., Peyton A. Simulation of ultrasonic and EMAT arrays using FEM and FDTD // Ultrasonics, 2015. Vol. 66. Pp. 154-165. DOI: 10.1016/j.ultras.2015.10.020.



How to Cite

Murav’eva О. В., Sokov М. Ю., & Myshkin Ю. В. (2019). Formation of the Acoustic Field of a Through-Type Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer in Threaded Parts. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(4), 45–56.


