Influence of the Photoresistive Effect of Multiscan Resistive Dividers on Accuracy of Measurements of Geometrical Parameters of Objects


  • Y. K. Shelkovnikov UdmFRC UB RAS
  • N. I. Osipov UdmFRC UB RAS
  • S. R. Kiznertsev UdmFRC UB RAS
  • A. A. Meteleva Kalashnikov ISTU



multiscan, videosignal, photoresistive effect, light zone, measurement error


The paper deals with the issues of photoelectric conversion of the measured coordinate of the light zone into a videosignal, taking into account the photoresistive effect of a television photoconverter of instantaneous action - a multiscan. The design features of manufacturing resistive dividers of the multiscan are described, which allow to obtain a high linearity of its coordinate characteristic. The dependence of the resistance of resistive dividers on the light is established, it is shown that the coefficient of their photosensitivity can reach a considerable value. An expression is obtained for the output integrated current of the multiscan in the “blind spot” mode of operation, which reflects the distribution of the light relief in the form of controlled light zones along the photosensitive surface. It is shown that at low bias voltages of resistive dividing buses, the discreteness of the multiscan structure does not appear, and the total currents of all cells flowing through the output bus of the photodiodes are continuous. It was established that it is advisable to determine the coordinates of the narrow light zones by the moment when the differentiated output current passes through zero, and for wide light zones it is necessary to apply its double differentiation with calculating the average coordinates of the beginning and end of these zones. An expression is presented for calculating the coordinate-specifying voltage of a resistive divider taking into account the photoresistive effect; a diagram showing the strain of the dependence of the voltage distribution along this divider is given. An expression for finding the error in determining the coordinates of the multiscan polling point is obtained, the magnitudes of the absolute errors in measuring the boundaries and the middle of the wide and narrow light zones are shown. It is shown that for a narrow light zone, the error in determining its coordinate does not exceed half the step of the photosensitive structure along its entire length. It is established that the photoresistive effect reduces the duration of the video signal, i.e. causes an increase in the coordinate of the leading edge of the videosignal and a decrease in the coordinate of its trailing edge.

Author Biographies

Y. K. Shelkovnikov, UdmFRC UB RAS

DSc in Engineering, Prfessor

N. I. Osipov, UdmFRC UB RAS

PhD in Engineering Institute of Mechanics

S. R. Kiznertsev, UdmFRC UB RAS

PhD in Engineering, Institute of Mechanics

A. A. Meteleva, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Shelkovnikov Ю. К., Osipov Н. И., Kiznertsev С. Р., & Meteleva А. А. (2019). Influence of the Photoresistive Effect of Multiscan Resistive Dividers on Accuracy of Measurements of Geometrical Parameters of Objects. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(4), 57–64.


