Specifications of Physical-Human-Technical Systems for Solving Constructive Problems


  • A. P. Beltiukov Udmurt State University
  • S. G. Maslov Udmurt State University




physical-human-technical system, quality of life, divergence and convergence of knowledge, activation of knowledge, convergence of languages, descriptive-constructive activity


The paper proposes a concept of physico-anthropo-technical systems and a description of how to approach them to solve problems of improving the quality of human life. The concept specifies a constructive point of view on the noosphere sustainable development of man, society, technology and nature. The concept is based on the transition from the “consumer society” to the “use society” and individual-mass production. Within the framework of the concept, social problems of understanding and (thinking) of life processes should be solved, as well as contribute to the rational formation of the trajectory of a human life. Within the framework of the concept, models of specifications of constructive tasks are considered for solving by systems consisting of components, including equipment, people and natural objects. To build such models, an approach is proposed that consists in creating convergent languages. These are languages obtained by the convergence and mutual penetration of natural human and logical ones. The subject matter claims to be new in the field of building complex systems and is relevant for the development of life processes and the human living environment. The proposed approach establishes a balance between the processes of construction and management in complex systems based on the convergence of knowledge. An important role in this case is acquired by the processes of self-organization and attractiveness, symbiosis and synesthesia. Based on this concept, it is proposed to form active knowledge centers, which will allow, first of all, to identify vital problems and the environment for their solution. There is a new environment for the effective and timely implementation of innovations that ensure the continuous and sustainable noospheric development of man, society, technology and nature.

Author Biographies

A. P. Beltiukov, Udmurt State University

DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

S. G. Maslov, Udmurt State University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Beltiukov А. П., & Maslov С. Г. (2019). Specifications of Physical-Human-Technical Systems for Solving Constructive Problems. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(4), 75–81. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2018-4-75-81


