Application of Intelligent Resource Management Technologies in the Production Scheduling


  • D. A. Rizvanov Ufa State Aviation Technical University
  • N. I. Yussupova Ufa State Aviation Technical University



scheduling, resource management, intellectual technologies, multi-agent system, decision-making support


The application of intelligent technologies for the resource management problem solving in manufacturing scheduling is considered in this paper. A mathematical model of resource management problem in manufacturing scheduling is presented. It is proposed to use the integration of multi-agent and ontological approaches to solve this problem. The main agents are emphasized as “part”, “operation’ and “resource”. The developed ontological model allows for storing the basic entities of the subject domain. It is used to present ill-formalized semantic constraints of the subject domain and serves as the basis for dataware of the Decision Support System (DSS). The agents behavior and interaction algorithms were developed. The software of the DSS prototype for resource management in manufacturing scheduling was implemented on the basis of the multi-agent JADE platform. Fragments of output forms of the prototype operation are shown that represent the schedule of parts production. It is possible to show this schedule both for parts and available resources. Results of an efficiency estimation of DSS using for manufacturing scheduling are presented for parameters that characterize the total time of schedule execution and non-production idle-time related to production of parts.

Author Biographies

D. A. Rizvanov, Ufa State Aviation Technical University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

N. I. Yussupova, Ufa State Aviation Technical University

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Rizvanov Д. А., & Yussupova Н. И. (2019). Application of Intelligent Resource Management Technologies in the Production Scheduling. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(4), 130–137.


