Wastewater Sludge Utilization Methods
biogas, sewage sludge, methane, anaerobic processing, organic wasteAbstract
The paper touches upon the issues of environmental pollution with waste from agricultural and livestock complexes, as well as the use of biogas as an alternative energy. The paper deals with the problem of using biogas technology for production of biogas from organic waste in the Udmurt Republic. The potential of the Republic for the development of a promising direction of organic waste processing through anaerobic digestion, which makes it possible to use waste as a fertilizer for growing crops, increases the nutrient content of the fertilizer and contributes to the development of biogas. The paper presents the world experience and statistics of the use of biogas technologies in foreign countries, the methodology of organic waste processing in biogas plant, and the sequence of actions to support the processing procedure. The requirements for the design of bioreactors and their main types are presented. The method of calculation of the basic parameters of the biogas plant is presented, where the numerical value of the number of animals that emit organic waste (manure) to be processed is used as the initial data. The paper concludes the need for the introduction and development of the described technology of processing of organic waste and can be useful for specialists of agriculture and design engineers of biogas plants.References
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