
  • S. A. Korolev Kalashnikov ISTU



external ballistics, dispersion of projectiles, Monte-Carlo method, simulation modeling, numerical experiment


The paper presents mathematical models and methods for solving problems of external ballistics, combined into a methodology for simulating the dispersion of projectiles. When calculating the trajectory of the projectile, parametric dependencies are used for the aerodynamic coefficients obtained on the basis of the solution of the external flow problem. The main factors affecting the flight of the projectile are identified and systematized; the factors causing the dispersion of projectiles are highlighted. Simulation modeling of the dispersion of projectiles was carried out by the Monte Carlo statistical test method. To test the hypothesis about the normal distribution of simulation results, the Pearson criterion is used. On the basis of the developed simulation model, a method for determining the security zone parameters during firing has been implemented: the depth of the exhaust space and the width of the side protection zones. Simulation of the dispersion of projectiles and calculation of the parameters of the safety zone were carried out for high-explosive fragmentation projectile 152 mm howitzers when firing at the maximum range. According to the results of simulation, an ellipse of dispersion and a graph of frequencies were constructed. The calculation is done for the deviation of the range and lateral coordinates caused by the maximum possible deviations of meteorological and ballistic shooting conditions. The results of the calculation of the parameters of the safety zone when firing a howitzer of 152 mm to the maximum range are presented. The presented technique is implemented in the form of a software package for simulating the dispersion of projectiles. The simulation results can be used to study the influence of various factors on the dispersion of projectiles, the construction of firing tables, as well as the determination of safety zones during firing field testing.

Author Biography

S. A. Korolev, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD (Physics and Mathematics)


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How to Cite

Korolev С. А. (2019). SIMULATION METHOD OF PROJECTILES DISPERSION. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(1), 57–62.


