
  • G. I. Yakovlev Kalashnikov ISTU
  • G. N. Pervushin Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. P. Grakhov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • D. A. Kalabina Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. F. Gordina Kalashnikov ISTU
  • Y. N. Ginchitskaya Kalashnikov ISTU
  • K. A. Bazhenov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. V. Troshkova Kalashnikov ISTU
  • R. Drokhitka Brno University of Technology
  • V. G. Khozin Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering



fluoroanhydrite, activator, sodium phosphate, expanded perlite, microstructure, nano-dispersed structure


Physicomechanical properties of a structurally insulating composition based on a high-strength anhydrite binder prepared on the basis of fluoroanhydrite, a waste of hydrofluoric acid production, and expanded perlite sand are investigated. To activate the structure formation of anhydrite binder, a 3% aqueous solution of sodium phosphate Na3PO4 was used. Expanded perlite sand was used as an ultralight aggregate in the composition. Microstructure studies and X-ray microanalysis showed the presence of physicochemical interaction between calcium sulfate dihydrate and particles of expanded perlite sand, which increase the physical and mechanical characteristics of the developed material due to the formation of a dense structure that occurs as a result of the formation of neoplasms in the interfacial zone at the border of the anhydrite binder and particles expanded perlite sand, which is confirmed by the results of the infrared spectroscopy. The consolidation of the anhydrite binder structure by nano-dispersed structures formed in the intergranular pores of the anhydrite binder is also noted. The developed composition can serve as a cheap substitute for gypsum in the production of warm plaster, gypsum plasterboard, tongue-and-groove slabs, wall blocks, making architectural details by molding into molds, as well as performing thermal insulation of walls during frame construction, including for filling the well laying.

Author Biographies

G. I. Yakovlev, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

G. N. Pervushin, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

V. P. Grakhov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

D. A. Kalabina, Kalashnikov ISTU

Senior Lecturer, Post-graduate

A. F. Gordina, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

Y. N. Ginchitskaya, Kalashnikov ISTU

Assistant, Post-graduate

K. A. Bazhenov, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student

V. V. Troshkova, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student

R. Drokhitka, Brno University of Technology

DSc in Engineering, Professor

V. G. Khozin, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Yakovlev Г. И., Pervushin Г. Н., Grakhov В. П., Kalabina Д. А., Gordina А. Ф., Ginchitskaya Ю. Н., Bazhenov К. А., Troshkova В. В., Drokhitka Р., & Khozin В. Г. (2019). CONSTRUCTIONAL AND THERMAL INSULATION MATERIAL BASED ON HIGH-STRENGTH ANHYDRITE BINDER. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(1), 144–151.


