Collection and Storage of Data on Small-Arms Testing by Web-Application
web application, information security, small arms tests, database, TLSAbstract
At enterprises carrying out ballistic tests of small arms, specialized systems are used to assess the parameters of small arms and ammunition. At the same time, problems related to the storage of test data and their safe transfer are quite common. In this regard, for such enterprises it is advisable to introduce a centralized system for storing test results using modern data protection methods.
This paper states the set of requirements for the developed system of centralized collection and storage of ballistic test data. To solve this problem, the necessity of developing a web application is justified.
The proposed concept of centralized storage of data on tests of small arms is described. The taken decisions are justified. A specific database structure is proposed.
The web application developed using the proposed recommendations allows you to save data files about a specific test, as well as processed results in the form of test reports of small-arms hunting and sporting weapons. The proposed implementation of the application provides the ability to store data on testing small arms in a single database with a clear structure that allows you to quickly access the necessary information while ensuring a high level of data protection in accordance with modern Russian encryption standards.References
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