“Inhibitor” Shooting Simulator: Functional Diagram of the Software


  • S. F. Egorov




shooting exercise machine (shooting simulator), tactical specification, skeleton diagram, functional diagram, software, logger of an aiming mark


The cycle of papers describes in detail the "Inhibitor" software of the tactical optical-electronic exercise machine for small arms developed at the Institute of Mechanics UdmFRC UB RAS and at the Computer facilities department of Kalashnikov ISTU.

The tactical specification on development of the exercise machine is provided, requirements both to the exercise machine hardware (return not less than 50% of the real one, a soundtrack not less than 60% from the real one, the accuracy of fixing of an aiming mark is not worse than 0.3 thousand ranges, a viewing angle of a target situation not less than 60 degrees) and to the software are analyzed. Much attention is paid to requirements to the reality of displaying the target situation on the projection screen of the exercise machine taking into account climatic conditions (season, time of day, temperature, wind, pressure, humidity, "atmospheric effect", fog) and to special effects (fires and sounds of shots of targets, ruptures of grenades and sounds with delays, taken-down smokes, illumination at night). The importance is emphasized to model the ballistics support for all simulators of weapon taking into account the types of ammunition and climatic conditions, including in mountains. The base of exercises from the Course of firing practice and the database is necessary for storage of all carried-out exercises for the analysis of the level of training. Proceeding from requirements the skeleton diagram of the exercise machine and the functional diagram of the software are provided.

The conclusion is drawn on prospects of further researches and development of electronic shooting exercise machines thanks to improvement and reduction in cost of the element base and development of program libraries of special effects, for the purpose of increase in accuracy of exercise machines, expansion of functionality and decrease in cost value and, therefore, improving competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Egorov С. Ф. (2019). “Inhibitor” Shooting Simulator: Functional Diagram of the Software. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(2), 19–29. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2019-2-19-29


