Estimation of the Entropy of Long Code Words at the Output of a Neural Network Biometrics Converter in Spaces of Hamming Convolutions


  • A. I. Ivanov
  • A. P. Yunin
  • M. A. Boyarshinov



neural converter, Hemming distances, discrete spectrum, calculation of entropy of long codes, small samples


The work is based on accounting the discrete nature of the spectrum of states of a neural converter of biometric data  into the code of 256 bits. It is technically impossible to compute the entropy of codes with such a length according to Shannon. It is proposed to move from usual codes to the space of Hemming distances. In this case, the number of output states of convolvong and calculations turn out to be workable at a usual computing machine. Examples of Hemming spectrum distances are given for an ideal "white" noise, computed in a divided system of numeration (in systems with the divided module). With growing of the module, according to which the Hemming distance is computed, the number taken into account spectral lines is quickly growing. The table is given for the values of amplitudes of state probabilities for the simplest chi-square molecule adjusted for processing the Hemming convolutions by modulo 2, 3, 4, , 247. The formula is given for calculation of states for the two-level Hemming molecule computing Hemming distances at two levels.  The performed numerical experiments prove that the proposed algorithm allows to evaluate the entropy of long codes on small samples with attraction of usual computing machines. At that, the transformations for miscellaneous reference systems (for Hemming convolutions computed for miscellaneous modules) complement each other. The errors of calculations for Hemming convolutions computed for miscellaneous modules turn out to be not correlated. This allows to hope that the proposed method will allow to evaluate accurately enough the vicinity of codes with 256 bits length to the ideal "white" noise.

The principally important issue is that all Hemming convolutions regardless of numeration systems, in which they are computed, always allow to reduce logarithmically the number of the considered states. This finally allows to simplify the task and evaluate the entropy of long codes by a usual computing machine with application of small samples of several hundreds of test examples.


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How to Cite

Ivanov А. И., Yunin А. П., & Boyarshinov М. А. (2019). Estimation of the Entropy of Long Code Words at the Output of a Neural Network Biometrics Converter in Spaces of Hamming Convolutions. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(2), 30–36.


