Estimate of the Cooling Time of Inertia Object by Using Micro-Cap Computer Program
инерционный объект, время остывания объекта, электротепловая модель, разрешающая способность термометраAbstract
This paper presents the estimate of the cooling time of the inertial object in the statement relating to forensic medicine. The electrothermal model of a sphere is offered which in turn models a biological object in the posthumous period. The technique of optimization of the electrothermal model and the technique of estimation of the cooling time of a sphere are presented. For this purpose the Micro-Cap computer program is used; and the model of the sphere is an electrical circuit composed of resistors and capacitors which is called the electrothermal model. The adequacy of the electrothermal model is shown by comparing the results of transient simulation in the scheme with the exact analytical solution published in the literature. It is shown that the necessary degree of adequacy of the model is achieved when using two experimental points on the temperature trend of the object of study within optimization of the element modeling the boundary conditions of the third kind.
The influence of the resolution of the thermometer used in the forensic medical examination on the efficiency of optimization performed by the Micro-Cap program was studied. It is shown that the resolution in the temperature measurement should not be as low as 0.01 K. It is assumed that the proposed method of object examination using the electrothermal model and the Micro-Cap computer program will be effective during the first day after the beginning of its cooling.References
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