The Model of Connection Establishment Environment in a Distributed System with Unreliable Physical Channels
channel, reliability, model, physical environment, forecasting, modeling, nodeAbstract
The paper presents the method of predicted assessment of the reliability of physical channels and the model of reliability of the connection establishment environment in a distributed data transmission system using the example of a radio communication system in the HF range. Due to the nature of signal propagation, fluctuations in the parameters of the transmitting medium, natural and artificial phenomena, the presence of “silence zones”, and the difficult interfering environment of a communication system in the HF range, they are characterized by unsteady physical channels and the complexity of information exchange. With the interaction of nodes of the type “each with each”, a distributed data transmission system with a dynamic multi-pole topology is formed. Delivery of messages to remote sites is performed by means of routing along the main and backup routes. Therefore, the issues of developing methods for generating message delivery routes based on reliability criteria are relevant, including: collecting and processing statistical data on the quality of received signals, determining patterns of changes in interference levels and periods of their influence, predicting the state of physical channels and adaptive management of their use, forming lines communications as data exchange systems with reliability exceeding the reliability of physical channels.
To solve the problem of forming communication lines, a method for assessing the reliability of physical channels under the conditions of their non-stationarity has been determined. In accordance with the accepted methods of access to the physical environment at the stage of establishing a connection, a method for predicting the assessment of the reliability of physical channels for a given period of interaction between neighboring nodes has been determined. In accordance with the accepted model of control of physical channels, a method has been developed for assessing the reliability of the environment for establishing the connection of neighboring nodes.References
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