Methodology of Functional Design of Processes of the Product Lifecycle Management System


  • E. S. Slashchev
  • V. G. Osetrov
  • D. M. Malikova



IDEF0, product life cycle, PLM-system, designer workstation, process engineer workstation, production infrastructure


The paper discusses the methodology of the functional design of the processes of the product lifecycle management system for manufacturing enterprises on the example of the designer workstation. The analysis of the workplace of the designer is carried out by the hierarchical methodology of functional modeling IDEF0 with the aim of its subsequent automation. The preliminary data of the feasibility study, research, and development work, as well as patent research and expert control system (technical, economic, planned and standard control), are used as input data. As informational support of the functional model of the designer’s workplace, there is a unified system of design documentation. The output of the functional model of the designer’s automated workplace is the documentation for the design and technological preparation of production. The main part of the paper provides a method for automating the nodes of the design preparation of production in order to create a software model for an automated workplace with the possibility of adding quantitative indicators. The purpose of this paper is to supplement the methodology of a functional design of production systems, by the example of an automated designer’s workstation, by gradually building a hierarchy followed by machine learning. The presented methodology of functional design has the ability to expand and supplement with new qualitative and quantitative indicators.


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How to Cite

Slashchev Е. С., Osetrov В. Г., & Malikova Д. М. (2019). Methodology of Functional Design of Processes of the Product Lifecycle Management System. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(2), 88–92.


