Application of Expert System for Determining the Level of Psychological Suitability to Work at Risk-Oriented Positions


  • I. M. Yannikov
  • M. V. Telegina
  • D. A. Guschina



expert system, oriented graph, relations, weighting factors, stress resistance, attitude to risks, testing, points, interval estimates


Recently, in connection with the development of technology, there is a need to solve problems related to ensuring human security from dangerous and harmful factors in all areas of human activities. This applies not only to the natural and man-made component, but also to the human factor, which in many cases is the cause of the emergencies themselves, or the reason for the increase in the scale of their negative impact. Under the current conditions, competent selection of candidates for positions in systems related to risk-oriented activities, primarily power structures, is of no small importance. The existing methods of psychological testing used in these structures in the selection of candidates for posts are rather cumbersome, heterogeneous, labor-intensive and not always focused on specific professions. The paper proposes an automated methodology for assessing the psychological suitability for work in risk-oriented positions, in particular, in the EMERCOM of Russia system. The selected expert system GrafExpert, once developed for assessing the environmental safety of potentially hazardous objects, provides easy conversion by changing the criteria-questions, relationships, weights. The paper describes in detail the main functions of the expert system in expert mode and user mode. The process of selecting and systematizing questions, establishing interconnections between graph nodes, and obtaining interval estimates, conclusions and recommendations is described.


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How to Cite

Yannikov И. М., Telegina М. В., & Guschina Д. А. (2019). Application of Expert System for Determining the Level of Psychological Suitability to Work at Risk-Oriented Positions. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(2), 93–99.


