Application of the Roughness Parameters to Characterize Heterogeneity of the Ultrasound Images of Medical Diagnos-tics
ultrasound images, digital processing, roughness parameters, structure homogeneity, pathology detectionAbstract
The study results of the possibilities of the surface roughness parameters application in order to solve the problems of analyzing the structural heterogeneity of ultrasound (US) images are presented. The roughness parameters are adapted for the two-dimensional discrete signal and calculated for the fragments of two types of ultrasound images of the thyroid: US image with pathological and US image with healthy structures. Fragment sizes are 20*20, 40*40, 70*70 pixels. Roughness parameters are investigated from the point of view of their separating ability. Analysis of the roughness parameters revealed two of the most informative parameters: the modified altitude parameter, as the arithmetic average of the absolute values of ledges deviations, and the step parameter, as relative supporting lengths of the profile at different section levels. The study results allow us to conclude that the application of roughness parameters for analyzing structural heterogeneity of ultrasound images is promising. Investigation of the roughness parameters on a larger set of ultrasound medical images with different fragment sizes is required in order to increase the reliability of the proposed parameters.References
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