Modeling Of Mechanical Properties And Destruction Process Of Al/Cu Nanocomposites


  • A. V. Vakhrushev
  • A. Y. Fedotov
  • A. T. Lekontsev



deformation, simulation, molecular dynamics, potential of the submerged atom, defects, nanocomposites, dislocations, mechanical characteristics


The purpose of this work is to carry out molecular dynamic simulation of uniaxial tension of the cooled down Al/Cu composition. The software program LAMMPS that includes the classic code of the molecular dynamics was used for calculations. The software program Ovito was used for visualization; it has a great variety of functions, thus allowing the user to investigate the obtained results thoroughly. In order to describe the atomic interaction in Al/Cu nanocomposite, the potential EAM of the submerged atom was used. The choice of the potential is explained by its adequate describing and reproducing the properties of a wide class of materials, including metals, semiconductors and alloys. The simulation was carried out in two stages. At the first stage the sample consisting of two crystallites of aluminum and copper as parallelepipeds connected along one of their joinable boundaries was placed in the design area and cooled down at constant pressure. Cooling down was made for stabilization of the nanosystem. At the second stage that corresponded to deformation, the temperature and pressure were changed in accordance with the current physical processes. In order to control the temperature and pressure at the primary stage of cooling down the algorithm of the Nose-Hoover thermostat and barostat was applied.

The paper presents the character of distribution of longitudinal stresses along the whole volume of the crystal within the tension process. When the specimen reaches the elasticity limit, the emergency of defects of the crystal lattice and their distribution along the crystal as displacements and rotations of atoms in crystalline planes were observed. Areas of emergency of plastic deformations were determined. The maximum material fracture took place along the boundary line. By means of the molecular dynamic simulation the parameters of Al/Cu composition (deformation, temperature, mechanical stress) were dynamically studied. The comparison of the specimen characteristics during deformation was made. Multiple processes take place in the material under loading, which include emergency of defects, elastic and plastic deformations, and generation of damages with atom restructuring.


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How to Cite

Vakhrushev А. В., Fedotov А. Ю., & Lekontsev А. Т. (2019). Modeling Of Mechanical Properties And Destruction Process Of Al/Cu Nanocomposites. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(3), 48–54.


