Research Of Influence Of Reactive Jet On Dispersion Of Rocket Turns When Shooting From A Moving Carrier
external ballistics, moving carrier, jet stream, aerodynamic coefficients, numerical simulation, rocket dispersionAbstract
The paper presents a method for calculating corrections to aerodynamic coefficients that take into account the influence of a jet engine ahead of flying rockets during salvo launches from a moving carrier. The position of the rocket relative to the jet stream is determined on the basis of the calculation of rockets trajectories. A jet stream flow around the rocket was simulated by numerically solving the system of Favre averaged Navier–Stokes equations using the k-ε turbulence model. Based on the processing of numerical results for a wide range of parameters (position of the rocket along the length and radius of the jet, speed of the rocket, nutation angles), approximation dependencies were constructed for corrections to the aerodynamic coefficients that take into account the effect of the jet.
Using the obtained dependencies for aerodynamic coefficients in the method of calculating the trajectory, a study was made of the influence of a jet on the accuracy of shooting from a moving carrier under various initial conditions: time interval between launches, initial distance between the rockets axes, initial value of the nutation angle of the second rocket. The region of variation of parameters was determined, where the influence of a jet stream can be neglected. An example of simulating an emergency ammunition operation is considered.References
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