Solution of Problems of External Ballistic Design on the Basis of Mathematical and Computer Modeling


  • S. A. Korolev
  • V. G. Sufiyanov



external ballistics, trajectory, inverse problem, dispersion of projectiles, mathematical modeling, software complex, three-dimensional visualization


The paper is devoted to the development of mathematical and software solutions to problems of external ballistics. The mathematical model of the trajectory problem is based on the system of equations of projectile motion, which takes into account the rotation and oscillations relative to the center of mass. Parametric dependencies for aerodynamic coefficients are determined using numerical simulation of the external flow around the projectile. On the basis of the mathematical model of external ballistics, algorithms have been developed for solving the inverse problem, simulating modeling of projectile dispersion, and shooting a burst from a mobile carrier.

The software complex for solving the external ballistics problems includes a block of computational modules that implement the presented mathematical models and computational algorithms, a database of weapon parameters and simulation results, and a system for visualizing the results of a computational experiment.

Some results of solving problems of external ballistics in the design and development of rocket-artillery weapons are presented. A comparison of the results of trajectory calculation obtained using the calculated model of resistance and empirical laws of resistance has been carried out. The results of modeling the dispersion of shells and shooting of rocket-artillery weapons from a mobile carrier are presented. The simulation results are displayed in the three-dimensional visualization system on a virtual map of the area.


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How to Cite

Korolev С. А., & Sufiyanov В. Г. (2019). Solution of Problems of External Ballistic Design on the Basis of Mathematical and Computer Modeling. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(3), 80–88.


