To the Question of Automation of Development and Correction of Passports of Territory Safety
safety data sheets of territories, functional modeling, information technology, hardware and softwareAbstract
The paper deals with the development of an automated system for the formation and adjustment of the safety data sheet of the territory. The relevance of the topic is briefly described, the currently existing problematic issues are identified, and the reference to the main regulatory legal acts governing the creation of passports is provided. The main problematic issues of this aspect of activity is the fact that the base of information and reference resources currently existing in the daily administration bodies of the RSChS is rather cumbersome and requires a large amount of time, human and machine resources to correct them. Quite a lot of information is included in this database: data on sources, parameters, consequences of emergencies, composition and location of controls, forces and means intended for preventing and eliminating emergency situations, organizing their interaction and information exchange in various operating modes of the emergency response system. This information is often duplicated, its volume, as a rule, is static and does not decrease when transmitted to a higher level. The complexity of developing a safety data sheet is the need to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the factors characterizing the whole range of possible emergencies, as well as the state of safety of these territories and the readiness of the territorial subsystems of the emergency response system, forces and means to carry out activities for the intended purpose.
A specialized information system is proposed for creating and updating the safety data sheets of territories, including a graphic module, a database (DB) and a database update module. The implementation of this system will reduce the time for updating and analyzing information intended for updating passports of territories.References
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