The Study of Structural Changes in the Tissues of the Cornea of Experimental Animals in a Rotating Electric Field by Fractal Parameterization
adaptation, multifractal ordering, entropy, information system, self-organization, stress stateAbstract
The influence of field exposure time and the animal psychotype on the formation of multifractal parameters of the information system of the animal cornea and manifestations of the synergy adaptation was studied.
Multifractal image analysis provides a quantitative assessment of structural parameters, and synergetics allows you to determine the dynamic stability and adaptive capacity, of the corneal tissue structure caused by the stress response of the experimental animal to the influence of a rotating electric field.
After 10 days of exposure, thermodynamic self-organization increases informational entropy (D1) of mesoscale and stress, independently of psychotype.
These processes are observed in an animal with an unstable psychotype and after 20 days of exposure.
A new spectrum of mesoscale and dynamic stability is observed, dynamic self-organization reduces the D1 of the mesoscale in an animal with a stable psychotype after a 20 day exposure. At structural stability values Am = 0.35, two adaptation levels are observed:
a. equilibrium (ordering occurs in the structure of corneal tissues by thermodynamic self-organization, the entropy of the mesoscale increases (ΔH> 0), the order parameter is Ks1max = 0.115);
b. nonequilibrium (in the structure of the corneal tissue, ordering occurs through dynamic self-organization, the entropy of the mesoscale decreases (ΔН≤0), the order parameter is Ks2max = 0.075).
With an increase in the structural stability Am> 0.35, degradation of the levels of the structure occurs (parameter Ks decreases with an increase in Am).
The limit adaptability of an animal with a stable psychotype is higher than that of an unstable or ambivalent one.
Chronostress leads the corneal tissue structure to bifurcation, when several outcomes are possible, relative to the “norm of randomness”.
In an acute stressful state, an animal may experience adaptation with manifestations of pathologies: there is an increase in D1, an increase in energy costs to maintain the balance of the system.
Adaptation without signs of pathology corresponds to a nonequilibrium steady state: D1 is close to the “norm of randomness”.
If D1 is lower than the “norm of randomness”, this is a chronic nonequilibrium state.
Meso levels are characterized by:
1) an increase in general entropy (the level of the subsystem of survival is determined by the processes of thermodynamic self-organization, a characteristic element of the structure is in a state of shock due to stress or is accustomed to living under stress, limiting the metabolic demands of the biological system);
2) a decrease in overall entropy (the level of the subsystem of survival is determined by the processes of dynamic self-organization that mobilizes the internal reserve of adaptation of the biological system).References
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