Quality Improvement of X-Ray Contrast Images for Dental Materials Control


  • E. O. Shamraeva
  • A. A. Shamraev
  • L. V. Polovneva




dental material, dental cement, Cemion, X-ray contrast, histogram equalization, visual quality, automation, raw materials control


The work is devoted to increasing the objectivity of the visual quality control methods of dental materials when determining their radiopaque by the example of the dental glass ionomer two-component radiocontrast cement "Cemion" produced by JSC "VladMiVa". X-ray contrast control is carried out on the basis of X-ray images of the reference aluminum wedge and dental material. Radiographs were digitized using a general-purpose scanner. The authors proposed and programmatically implemented a method for automatic processing of X-ray images, which can significantly improve the visual quality of images. The result is achieved by changing the brightness component of the images using the histogram equalization method and digitizing x-ray images based on it. Regardless of the quality of the source data, the proposed method allows to obtain a high-contrast resulting image with a distribution of brightness values close to uniform. The proposed approach eliminates the subjectivity expert's assessment in the visual quality control of dental materials and reduces the examination time due to the automation of the control process. The reliability of the results was checked on a sample of the source data.


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How to Cite

Shamraeva Е. О., Shamraev А. А., & Polovneva Л. В. (2020). Quality Improvement of X-Ray Contrast Images for Dental Materials Control. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(4), 41–47. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2019-4-41-47


