Development of Structure of Intellectual Information Measuring and Control System of Control of Chlorine Dosing and Chloroform Content in Drinking Water
information measuring system, drinking water, neural network technologies, fuzzy logicAbstract
Protecting human health from carcinogenic risks, as well as ensuring the efficiency of water supply systems is an important task today. In this regard, this paper discusses the application of the method of quality control of drinking water on the basis of neural network technologies and methods of artificial intelligence. The proposed method is based on Mamdani fuzzy inference algorithm. The proposed parameters of water quality that is used as the linguistic variables of the fuzzy logic algorithm. This method is implemented by an intelligent information measuring and control system for monitoring chlorine dosing and chloroform content at water treatment plants in real time. The development of the system was carried out using the MatLab software package, namely Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. The structure of intellectual information measuring and control system is developed. The construction of the information and measurement system of chlorine dosing was based on the principles of minimizing the risk to public health. The general conclusions are made that allow for estimating the influence of the developed system on improvement of quality of drinking water. Approbation of the system allowed to reflect the effectiveness of its application: reduction of excessive chlorination and carcinogenic risk of formation of by-products of disinfection of drinking water, relative to control systems currently used at typical water treatment plants.References
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