Studying the Systems Available to Analyze Emotions from Text and Provide Mechanism for Improving Man Machine Interaction


  • M. M. Abbasi
  • A. P. Beltiukov



text, emotions, blogs, communication, topic, analysis


The development of information technology enables us to develop systems for analysis and data processing. Today, the main source of available data is the Internet. Researchers have developed online and offline systems to analyze this data. Data analysis can be used for various purposes. Our work focuses on the study of systems that are used to analyze emotions from the text. In this paper, we analyze these systems and, based on our research, propose mechanisms to increase their characteristics and improve the scope, as well as compare their performance.

An analysis of emotions extracted from the text can be used to predict future events, people’s reviews of a product or service, identify a group of people by interests and develop a machine that can mimic the behavior of human emotions. Our basic goal is to improve the mechanism of man machine interaction while communication using text. We propose a mechanism that improves the interaction of man and machine by determining the psycholinguistic characteristics of the text that represent human behavior. This mechanism will study the relationship between emotions and the psycholinguistic characteristics of a text. It will facilitate the process of human-machine interaction.


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How to Cite

Abbasi М. М., & Beltiukov А. П. (2020). Studying the Systems Available to Analyze Emotions from Text and Provide Mechanism for Improving Man Machine Interaction. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(4), 53–62.


