The Oldest Russian Manuscripts as an Object of Statistical Analysis
linguistic statistics, ancient Russian texts, XIth century, Kirill TurovskyAbstract
The work describes two statistical experiments aimed at revelation of the correlation proximity/distance of 12 texts, survived in the Russian copies of the 11th century, and their comparison with the works of Kirill Turovsky – the author of the 12th century – (RNB, F.p.I. 39, 13th cent.; ff. 1–48). The paper presents the results of the comparative analysis of a) various ways of extraction of linguistic units from texts and b) retrievals of various volumes and also of the linguistic interpretation of basic laws of manuscript grouping.
The degree of the statistic-linguistic neighboring of the manuscripts is computed in two stages: at the first stage the lists of the most frequent words of each pair of texts are compared (computation of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient), at the second stage the texts are grouped on the basis of the obtained correlation values which are taken as distances between the manuscripts (cluster analysis is applied and a dendrogram is plotted).
The extraction of the most frequent words of the manuscripts, the development of ranked lists, obtaining the data on the quantity (and the rank, respectively) of each of the forms in other codices are carried out by means of the statistics module of the historical corpus “Manuscript”. Computation of the correlation coefficients of the texts and clustering texts are done with the help of software package “Statistics” (TIBCO Software Inc.). Lists of various volumes (from 50 to 300 word forms) and comprising units of various degrees of unification relative to the text forms were analyzed.
The result of the first experiment was the revelation of three main stable clusters of the sub-corpus: the group of Gospels, the group of Menaia and the group of miscellanies of various contents.
The second experiment gave a possibility of seeing the dependence of the proximity of the sermons of Kirill Turovsky to various clusters on the degree of unification of forms in the retrievals and the retrievals volumes.
The linguistic analysis of the results was a basis for revelation of lexical-grammatical and lexical-semantic factors determining occurrence of the texts of Kirill Turovsky in different clusters at various initial conditions of retrieval: in the group of Gospel copies (at the retrieval volume from of 50 or 100 words), in the sub-group of miscellanies (at the retrieval of 200 words), in the sub-group of Izbornik 1073 and The Pandects of Antiochus (the retrieval of 300 words).
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