Some Systems for the Development of Oil and Gas Deposits


  • S. S. Miroshnichenko
  • K. A. Sidelnikov



oil and gas fields, well grid options, bottomhole pressure, hydroconductivity of layers and systems


Oil field exploitation is the control by moving the bypassed oil to the production wells thanks to the correct setting and step-by-step activation of all oil producing wells and water-heating ones, in order to obtain a certain order of their operation with equal and economical usage of energy. The following steps should be taken to ensure that the oil field development system is rational. One should select the objects used at the location of the oil with a large number of reservoirs and determine in what sequence they should be put into use. The object of operation may be either a single productive layer or several layers, which are developed by a special network of wells during inspection and ordering during their use. These bypassed objects with many layers can be divided into 2 types. The first is the main objects used. They are better studied, have high production rates and high oil reserves. The second is called a return. They are not as productive as the main ones and contain less raw material. Their use is made by returning the well from the main object. One should determine the well networks and how they are distributed over the object being used, including the sequence. It is possible to put wells on objects evenly on bypassed objects, the boundaries of which do not change, no matter if there is water under the deposits or if there is no formation water. At the site of oil formation with moving oil transfer boundaries, wells are installed on the objects in parallel with the oil boundaries.

In order to optimize the development system of the undrilled part of one of the field objects, several options for well grids with varying distances between them were considered. Substantiation of the optimal bottomhole pressure value for various hydrodynamic conditions of the reservoir development process is presented. The dependence of the optimal bottomhole pressure on the value of the hydraulic conductivity of the reservoir system is obtained.


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How to Cite

Miroshnichenko С. С., & Sidelnikov К. А. (2020). Some Systems for the Development of Oil and Gas Deposits. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(4), 100–106.


