Realization of Information System for Calculating Heat Emission Intensity During Fires


  • M. V. Telegina
  • I. M. Yannikov



Intensity, heat flow, fire, inflammable liquids, automated calculation, database


At present, high-quality training of specialists is impossible without modern educational and methodological support. At the same time, informatization plays a primary role in the process of forming the necessary competencies in students. The presence of education programs and training programs allows you to better master the calculation and practical material provided by the curriculum. The paper discusses the existing calculation systems of fire risks used in the field of training and education on fire and technosphere safety. It is shown that these programs are distinguished by the excessive functionality and high cost. In this connection, a system for automated calculation of the intensity of thermal radiation during fires associated with the spill of flammable and combustible liquids is proposed for use in these areas. The developed system has the functions of registration and authorization, storage and change of reference data of calculations; calculating the intensity of thermal radiation and plotting the intensity of the heat flux from one of the parameters of the problem to be solved and allows you to study the subject area of calculating the intensity of thermal radiation, choose a task option, perform an automated calculation of the intensity of thermal radiation for various parameters of the fire.

The developed system can be used by students of the specialty “Technosphere Security” when studying disciplines related to safety in emergency situations and risk management, and will also be of interest to specialists in the field of technosphere safety.


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How to Cite

Telegina М. В., & Yannikov И. М. (2020). Realization of Information System for Calculating Heat Emission Intensity During Fires. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(4), 123–128.


