Solving General Nonlinear Programming Problems with a Genetic Algorithm


  • V. A. Tenenev
  • A. S. Shaura



constrained optimization problem, nonlinear programming, genetic algorithm, additional population, constraint handling


The paper proposes a genetic algorithm with an additional population to search for feasible individuals and modified tournament selection to solve the conditional optimization problem. When searching for a solution, the emphasis is on its feasibility, so the assessment of a fitness of individuals is primarily determined not by comparing the values of the objective function, but by the satisfaction of the implementation of constraints. This approach combines the effectiveness of genetic algorithms in solving global optimization problems with simple and natural direct consideration of constraints in the form of equality or inequalities in the search for the optimal solution, without requiring additional transformations of the original problem or reducing it to unconditional optimization.

An important feature of the method is that it is largely versatile and well-suited to problem with a large number of constraints and ravine, multi-extreme and non-differentiated functions. The work implemented a hybrid genetic algorithm with additional elite training, which significantly increases the rate of convergence and the quality of the resulting solution compared to the classic algorithm.

Comparing the results of the solution of known optimization benchmarks with the previously published results of the existing approaches shows the perspective and effectiveness of the presented algorithm.


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How to Cite

Tenenev В. А., & Shaura А. С. (2020). Solving General Nonlinear Programming Problems with a Genetic Algorithm. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(4), 137–142.


