An Evolutionary Approach to Solving the Problem of Vehicle Routing
vehicle routing problem, genetic algorithm, fuzzy clustering, C-means, constrained discrete optimizationAbstract
In this paper we consider the vehicles routing problem, that is a generalization of the salesman problem. There are several basic routing models, each of which is characterized by additional constraints (vehicles capacity, transport fleet, delivery time, number of depot, etc.) and describes a group of real transport logistics tasks. This problem belongs to the class of NP-hard ones, and the presence of additional constraints makes its solution even more difficult.
The paper describes a two-step approach to optimal routing: at the first stage, all delivery points are distributed to geographic areas using fuzzy clustering methods, and at the second stage an optimal route is calculated using a genetic algorithm for each region and each vehicle. All constraints are taken into account when calculating fitness function and determine the feasibility and fitness of individuals of the population.
In practice, it is necessary to have a balanced distribution of consumers between different routes to evenly load the transport fleet and reduce the total delivery time, so in the presented algorithm after a preliminary assessment of duration of all routes, an additional procedure for cluster alignment is provided.
The implemented algorithm was successfully used to solve a routing problem in a real urban transport network.
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